Telangana governor Tamilisai Soundararajan on Tuesday made it clear that he did not accept the resignation of Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) Chairman B Janardhan Reddy, much to the surprise of the new state government. led by chief minister A Revanth Reddy.
According to Raj Bhavan sources, Tamilisai was not present when Janardhan Reddy submitted his resignation, hours after he met Revanth Reddy after a review on TSPSC misconduct. Apparently, Revanth himself asked the TSPSC chairman to resign.
Although media reports said that Janardhan Reddy’s resignation was accepted, the Raj Bhavan statement said that Tamilisai did not accept the same.
Instead, he is considering writing to Revanth’s government to question his opinion, due to legal issues. He also sought legal advice on the matter.
There were reports that the remaining eight members of the commission will resign from their positions on Tuesday, in order to make it easier for the government to form a new committee of the commission. But only one of them, R Satyanarayana, resigned from the post.
However, Tamilisai reported to the government that Janardhan Reddy or other members of the commission cannot escape responsibility for leaking question papers for various recruitment exams held last year. by submitting their resignations.
The governor said that there is no question of accepting the resignation of the chairman of the TSPSC or any of his members, unless the investigation into the alleged tampering of question papers for the examinations is completed. of employees, the responsibility has been determined and action has been taken against the people involved in it. the leakage scam.
The governor’s belief is that they cannot leave or leave their positions. They should be responsible for everything that happens in the recruitment scam.