The enemies of Super Mario World do not fly off the streets


Super Nintendo central Super Mario World is often hailed as not only one of the best Mario games of all time but also one of the best video games ever made, hands down. We did not know that this common practice has deceived us for more than 30 years, at least with regard to the skills of a single enemy.

Before the advent of complex digital systems, developers would sometimes make little tricks in their games to express things that weren’t possible. technology at that time. The good people over at the Mario blog Mario Broth Dinner recently brought one example of this horror to our minds, explaining how Nintendo has tricked us into believing Super Mario World‘s Beach Koopas can propel themselves off slopes by force alone.

Although the Beach Koopas seem to catch air due to the speed with which they go down, they are instructed to jump – something that is only yellow in color – when they reach the surface. According to the game play kaizoman, who first notice this element is Super Mario WorldTypically, turtles only grow inside a high shell; those who are knocked out of their shell will act as normal when approached by such commands.

Also, only the Blue Beach Koopas are designed to work this way. And although it seems that there are few shells in a few areas, only Cookie Mountain and Groovy include the bugs that they can pop out of (trust me, I checked). Nintendo’s designers did all this work for a few minutes, a second that most players will not be able to see for themselves unless they persevere through the most difficult challenges, two-mysteries are waiting at the end of the game.

Super Mario World full of similar sleights-of-hand, including auto background to increase the sense of movement while on the benches of the Forest Secret Area and special features, hidden used to limit the name length. It may be a controversial idea, but video games are fun, even if they lie to your face.

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