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Steam and smoke rise from the Belchatow Power Station in Rogowiec, Poland.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The world is still on track to limit global warming to a maximum of 1.5-degrees, despite the damage-destroying pledges made by many countries in the UN-backed. price talks in dubaian analysis of the International Energy Agency published Sunday.
The study is the first special document to report on the achievements of the COP28 climate change in Dubai.
The results show that the commitments would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 4 gigatons – less than a third of what is currently needed. limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above the temperature before doing business. Science shows that life on Earth will struggle to adapt beyond that level.
An IEA statement said the pledges “will not be enough” to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees.
Director General Fatih Birol said the pledges are “good” and are in line with some of the recommendations made by the IEA ahead of the talks. But he said that not enough countries have joined and that commitments to ensure the reduction of oil consumption are needed to bridge the gap.
“The IEA’s most recent assessment of these pledges shows that if they were fully implemented by the signatories to date, they would be only 30% of the way they could bridge the achievement of the goals international,” Birol told CNN. “There is a need for more countries and companies to join the pledge – and for agreement on the regulation and reduction of global fossil fuel consumption if we want to keep the 1.5 °C goal in reach. ”
The negotiators at COP28 are negotiating an agreement that will allow them to demand the elimination of fossil fuels – the main cause of climate change – for the first time in the annual climate talks.
The language around fossil fuels is highly controversial, and there are deep divisions on the issue. There are more than 100 countries that support the reduction of oil in some cases, but some of the countries that produce oil they do not want a statement to reduce oil and gas.
The IEA study was based on pledges about renewable energy, clean energy and the reduction of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.
More than 120 countries, including the United States, have now agreed to support the tripling of the world’s renewable energy and the doubling of energy efficiency.
Fifty major oil and gas companies, including Exxon and Saudi Aramco, also signed a pledge in talks to cut methane from their oil and gas operations by the end of the decade. This means reducing the methane energy by 80 to 90% from their products. They also agreed to end conventional flaring by 2030. Flaring is the intentional burning of natural gas during the search for oil. . Companies sometimes flare natural gas to slow down processes during oil drilling, but other times, flare occurs when it’s not needed or operator wants to collect all available gas, it is usually cheaper to burn than to collect.
The use of fossil fuels is the main cause of climate problems. Countries agreed to cut coal production by 2021 at the COP26 talks in Glasgow, Scotland, but negotiations over language about all fossil fuels, including oil and gas, have proven more contentious. .
The discussions that are being held at the end of the year were affected by the damaging weather. Scientists have confirmed that 2023 will be the hottest on record. Extreme weather events caused or exacerbated by extreme weather conditions – including fires, floods, heat waves and hurricanes – have killed people in many parts of the world. the world.
The President of COP28, Sultan Al Jaber, said that there is progress in the talks but the negotiations are not fast enough.
“Am I satisfied with speed and speed? The answer is ‘No,’” he told reporters on Sunday before convening a roundtable of ministers to try to break the deadlock on several issues, including the future of oil.
“The time is near. The clock is ticking, and I’m sure you can all feel it, just as I can feel it,” he said, “and we have to move much, much, much faster.”
Al Jaber has been the subject of controversy for months, before talks began on November 30. The United Arab Emirates has been accused of a conflict of interest in appointing Al Jaber to lead the discussion while he is also in charge of the country’s oil. and the gas company, the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company.