This is the job interview question no one expects: are you a traitor?
But Shaye Moss testified Tuesday in her defamation trial against Rudy Giuliani that she was confronted at a Chik-fil-A restaurant months after the November, 2020 election, which spilled over into her life. national news, according to a new report.
“I was so shocked, I was so embarrassed,” Moss said in a courtroom in Washington DC, according to ABC News. “I had to go.”
Moss is one of two Georgia election workers who sued Giuliani for $43 million because of his information that they passed fake ballots on USB drives like drug dealers. He later clarified that it was ginger mint.
The jury has already found Giuliani guilty of fraud, but that didn’t stop the 79-year-old from doubling down on his allegations last night. on Monday outside a DC courtroom.
Moss said Tuesday that those allegations still haunted him when he arrived “dressed” at Chik-fil-A in mid-2021 for an interview with his notebook and resume, according to with ABC News.
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“I decided, oh well, I’ve got to start at the bottom,” Moss testified. “I can work up here.”
But after another successful transition, Moss’ interviewer showed the former poll worker an online article on his computer and demanded to know, “Is that you? Really?” this thing?”
At the top of the story was a picture of Moss’s face with one word superimposed on the story: “Treasonous.”