It’s back! Mercury in retrograde is at it again, in town, and who’s enjoying this famous transit and all that it brings? Yes, folks, it’s here again and on December 13, 2023, we welcome our old friend, Mercury retrograde. The first day immediately brings challenges, and honestly, did we expect anything else to happen?
Although Mercury in retrograde affects everyone, there are definitely three signs of the zodiac that take the First Day as a sign to retreat, stay at home, do nothing and definitely leave from social media. Yes, it is personal. While no transit sign truly represents technology and social media, if anyone can come close, it’s Mercury retrograde, and it always comes with a warning.
It would be better if we did not participate in wheelchair wars today, so don’t go to your computer and go out to prove that you are the most virtuous of them all. It will distract you.
Today, there are no media winners. Avoid the university of Tiktok and try, especially if you are one of these three zodiac signs, do not try to put down other ‘unknown.’ It doesn’t work.
Three zodiac signs and horoscopes on November 13, 2023:
1. Virgin
(August 23 – September 22)
You have a tendency to make a lot of polite gestures, and even though you think you’re getting away with it, your online presence is starting to look like a special job of ‘look at me, haven’t I been the best since then. piece of bread?’ You go out of your way to show the world that you’re this great person, and honestly, it’s scary and it makes you feel good. Apparently, you’re the only one who doesn’t see it that way.
One of the reasons you have gotten away with signing your own praise for so long is because you are too intimidating and let people know that if they try to challenge you, you will rip their heads off, talk, or more than. , in written words. That puts you in retrograde Mercury check; today, December 13, 2023 there is someone ‘out there’ who is looking for you the worst, and they will challenge you.
That’s how the ‘avoid social media’ warning works, Virgo. Don’t socialize with people on the internet today because there are people out there who are more scared than you, and if you get involved in an online fight you think you will. victory; think again. Humiliation awaits you, and you can avoid it all by remaining humble and avoiding the temptation to always be right.
2. Libra
(September 23 – October 22)
Mercury in retrograde quickly brings out your bad side, and while you don’t want to think of yourself as a ‘leftist,’ you know you have a streak within you that it might make someone else want to leave you. .forever. Maybe this is how you protect yourself, but today, December 13, 2023, during Mercury retrograde, you will play the card and you will be given a hot cup of arguments for your efforts.
You are one of those internet players who ‘hit and run’, like someone who can’t do their best to say the worst things imaginable to strangers, and since you like to run away, you never get there. see the results. You just drive, plow and destroy, and go. However, during Mercury retrograde, you will not escape. There are people out there who do not take insults well, and they will find a way to get back at you.
Mercury retrograde can’t bring non-stop anger to you while it’s on the cycle, but this first day will definitely pack a punch in the ass. money. It is better to do something creative and kind, than to feed the dark side of your money with an online presence.
If you feel the need to be part of your computer, then clean it up and stick to something creative. Avoid social interaction; that’s the key to getting through this day in one piece. You may be tempted to stay together but know this, the more time you spend in this situation, the bigger your headache will be. Terrible.
3. Capricorn
(December 22 – January 19)
You are often an armchair activist, and since you believe so strongly in your causes, you are also one who must defend those causes, even if the whole thing becomes a royal disaster. During Mercury retrograde, there will be many obstacles like something you started a while ago that has now come to haunt you. On December 13th, you will return to an old post that seems to have caused a stir.
You may not be in a mood as far back as this, but it’s your post and you feel that justice deserves to protect what you said, even if it’s ‘news’. .’ By participating during the Mercury retrograde, you will end up paying through the nose, because this day will waste your time, your energy and all your patience, when dealing with people their lives seem to depend on scaring you.
You might see this as a lesson for the future, like ‘don’t start a fight.’ But, you like to start fires, and you always feel very happy about your intentions. What you don’t like is that Mercury in retrograde brings more, and more. Today, you will find out how to destroy one of the identities of yourself, time and time again, all for the purpose of growing yourself. Mission accomplished.
Ruby Miranda translated I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as a psychic reader for over 20 years.